MSE Leadership Course

In Fall 2019, based on my Career Connected Learning work, I created my first university course, MSE 398 (Leadership Seminar), and it was approved later in the quarter. I taught the course in Winter 2020.

MSE and Career Connected Learning

In Fall 2019 I made a work presentation connecting existing K-12-centric ideas about Career Connected Learning to the needs of MSE and the higher education context more generally

Diversity Seed Grant for Materials Science & Engineering

In Spring 2018 I wrote a grant proposal for the UW Diversity Seed Grant program.  This is the proposal text

iPass Project

In Summer 2017, I was selected to join the second iPass Advising Academy cohort at the University of Washington.  "iPass" (Integrated Planning and Advising for Student Success) initiatives aim to foster new approaches to advising and degree planning, supported by the effective use of technology,  information, and business practices, with the goal of producing significant and positive impact on undergraduate student success and degree completion. The cohort is funded by a 3-year grant from EDUCAUSE, a nonprofit whose mission is to advance higher education by promoting the intelligent use of information technology.

The question my group was charged with answering was this: "With an increase in capacity-constrained majors, students often have to consider multiple academic pathways in case they do not gain admission to their first choice major.  Since the UW does not have a central way to track intended major or major applications, it is difficult to connect with students that may need guidance on back-up plans, related majors, and/or additional exploration.  Satisfactory progress and pre-major extensions further complicate the situation.  How can we use current student data and tools available to help inform academic pathways for students from the time they apply to the UW all the way to acceptance into majors?

Here are my group's slides and handouts from our final presentation:

Final Group Presentation
LucidChart Handouts

Teaching Presentation Skills Class

MSE's instructor for the year-long laboratory sequence asked me to guest teach one of her course sessions so I could talk to the class about presentation skills, a skill set that no one to that point had taught them anything about.  I hadn't taught a university course session in more than 10 years, and I really enjoyed the opportunity to get back in the classroom for the day.  Here is the lesson I devised as their one-shot exposure to this content:


Redesigned MSE Orientation

For my first new student orientation in my current department, I spent some time rethinking how orientations had been constructed in the department in the past, and how we could do better.  My focus was on providing access to appropriate advising depending on year in the program, exposure and access to research and study abroad opportunities, exposure to Career Center @ Engineering advisors and career advice specific to student year in the program, and increased exposure to MSE and popular campus student groups.  Here is what I came up with:

Fall 2016 New Student Orientation Agenda

NHS Admissions Constant Quality Improvements

I headed up a group when I worked for Nursing and Health Studies whose charge was to enable improvements in the beginning-to-end admissions process executed by the Office of Admissions and NHS.  We wrote a final report, including supplementary documents and diagrams:

Final Report